Thursday, February 18, 2010

Welcome Kindergarten Families!!

Wow, I had fun working on our classroom blog. Every day I find new items to add or create. I am so excited for your family to use the blog and see how great it is to be in Kindergarten.

Helpful Hints for the Blog:

On the side you will see the different pages in our blog. Your child's class (AM or PM), Links, Weekly Goals, Our Olympic Project, and the Amelia Elementary School Blog. Pages will be added and deleted based on our changing themes and projects.

I will post important dates, activities, and updates on the main page frequently, so make sure you keep coming back. :)

This is my first blog so please feel free to offer suggestions, advice and comments that will help our classroom blog be the best it can be.

Happy Searching!


  1. From Gabrielle's Mom:

    Hi! Gabrielle misses you all so much! Today was only her third day in the two weeks we have been here! Crazy weather! I hope to have a picture soon to send you!

  2. From the Campbell Family:

    Copy and paste this link into your browser:


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