Thursday, February 18, 2010

Want to Skype With Me?

Dear AM and PM Kindergarteners,

I know how much you love Skyping at school and would like to invite you to Skype with me before and after school. I look forward to Skyping with you!


Miss Van Eman
Username-lori.vaneman (Cincinnati,Ohio)

Skyping is very easy and free! All you have to do is go to and download the program. The website will guide you through the process and in less than 5 minutes the program will be installed and ready to go. Some computers will have different features already installed such as a video camera and microphone. I did not have the features but a camera can be purchased with a microphone already installed at any electronic store. Please let me know if you have any questions. Hopefully we will be Skyping soon! :)


  1. Hi Miss Van Eman's Class,
    We have had a blast getting to know you! We loved hearing your journal entries and cannot wait to read you some of ours. We also loved looking at your graph, it was neat to see how different they looked.

    We are looking forward to our call on Monday!
    Mr. Stahl's Class

  2. Hello Gunnar!
    I loved chatting with you and your family today after school. It will be exciting when you get your web cam. See you tomorrow.
    Miss Van Eman

  3. The kids and I had such a fun time talking with you today. Trevor thought it was great that he could share a little piece of school with his siblings!


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