Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thinking Thursday...Reading Books

To get your child "thinking" about books and how to read them,  it is important that he/she have exposure to different types of literature.  

Please practice reading aloud to your child today. I would suggest using the book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin. If you do not have a copy at home, feel free to have your child listen to the book below.  

Happy Reading! 


  1. We read that book over the summer :) We've made sure to stop at the library twice a month and have been reading two stories every night before bed. Preslee's favorite books this summer have been about Fancy Nancy.


  2. Preslee,

    I am so happy to hear that you have been reading this summer. I can't wait to hear you read stories in the room. I too, LOVE Fancy Nancy and have some books in our classroom library for you to enjoy. Thanks for reading the blog!! See you soon.

    Mrs. Trent :)


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