Sunday, October 2, 2011

Homework Packet Starts This Week

On Wednesday/Thursday your child will be bringing home their monthly homework packet.  This packet is designed to help your child stay connected with the learning going on the classroom.  It is important for you to note that this packet is designed to be completed throughout the ENTIRE month.  We have attached a calendar as a suggested pacing guide for the activities.  Please help your child work through the activities a little each day instead of completing the activities all in one night.  At the end of each month (Wednesday for A group and Thursday for B group), your child will turn in their packet along with their homework folder.  If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment on this post or send me an email.  Thanks in advance for your time and support in your child's education.


  1. Is there a way to get an extra packet printed off. We would like Allie to go through the packet a few times so she is able to continue to learn.

  2. Hello Angie,

    Yes, I will post our homework packet to the blog for you to print off at home. Thank you so much for your extra practice at home. Allie is a great student and helper in the room!

    Have a nice night.


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