Tuesday, January 29, 2013

AE Conferences This Thursday

Amelia Conference Times- January 31st

5:00- Braxton
5:15- Brady
5:30- Dakota
5:45- Maggie
6:15-Ava K.
6:30- Isabella
7:15- Katie M.
7:30- Ariayha
7:45- Darrel
8:00- Bishop

Monday, January 28, 2013


Today the Busy Bees enjoyed a puppet show put on by the public library.  We LOVED it!!!

The Lion and the Mouse Writing

Check out these ROCKSTAR writings!!!

Today we worked on making predictions about the book, The Lion and the Mouse.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Busy Bees Are Busy Workers!

It is music to my ears when I see my Busy Bees working together on their writing and sight words.  I am one happy teacher!!!!

Today we were excited to see the snow but sad we couldn't go out and play. To make us feel a little better, we had a snack of snowballs (marshmallows) and wrote about what we would do if today was a snow day.  

3 Star Illustration

This Busy Bee just created her first
 Check out her details and colors. 
Way to go! :)

Report Cards

Please make sure to check your child's book bag for their report card.  I am very happy with how much my Busy Bees and Friendly Frogs have learned this quarter. Thanks for all of your support at home.

Report Card Grade Reminder:

P- Proficient
Your child has reached the expectation independently.

M- Making Progress
Your child is making progress toward the expectation and shows an understanding with support.

L- Limited Progress
Your child needs strong, consistent support with meeting the expectation.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Subtraction Symbols

Today we worked on subtraction but looked at the symbols minus and equals. 

The students also got their brain working on subtraction with brain games like Bowling,         Bug Catch, and Mr./Mrs. Minus. 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Starting Subtraction

Today we started to explore subtraction. We talked about the words take away and minus. We even made a "Mr./Mrs. Minus" to help us learn that minus means to take something away. 

I hope your little one comes home today (or tomorrow for my Busy Bees) talking about their Mr./Mrs. Minus.

Let the subtraction practice BEGIN!!!!


Welcome Mrs. Sergent!

Today we had a new friend in the room, Mrs. Sergent. 
Mrs. Sergent is from Xavier and will be helping in the room on Tuesdays until April!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Email Address

Please send all emails to trent_l@westcler.org.  This is my West Clermont email and I check it many times throughout the day.  Thanks so much.

New Year's School Resolutions

We finally got around to finishing our 
New Year's School Resolutions.
I'm looking forward to a great 2013!
In 2013, I promise to write books.
 "In 2013, I promise to be a good reader."

 "In 2013, I promise to be a good friend."

Conference Schedule

Amelia Conference Times- January 31st
5:00- Braxton
5:15- Brady
5:30- Derrick
5:45- Maggie
6:15-Ava K.
6:30- Isabella
7:15- Katie M.
7:30- Ariayha
7:45- Darrel
8:00- Bishop


Holly Hill Conference Times- February 6th
3:15- Kaleigh
5:00- Julia
5:15- Dillon
5:30- Malichi
5:45- Kendra
6:00- Jayden
6:30- Keith
7:30- Kara
7:45- Barbie
8:00- Devon
8:15- Cade

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Addition+Candy= Happy Busy Bees :)

I hope all of my sick Busy Bees are starting to feel better. We have missed you! 

Today, we worked on writing addition sentences with candy!

Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

This week in Reading Street:
 We are working on the story called, “Farfallina and Marcel”. We are reviewing the sight words, “Look,” and “See”. Please continue to work with your child on the following sight words: “she”, “with”, “me”. he”, “for”, “we, my, like”, “have”, “is” ,”to”, “a”, “the”, “little”, “I”, and “am”.

Parent Teacher Conferences:
It is that time again to schedule Parent-Teacher conferences. Forms are being sent home today.  If your child has made all “P= Proficient” and “M= Making Progress” on their report cards for 2nd quarter and is showing great work and behavioral ethics then it is not necessary for us to meet at this time.

Valentine’s Day Treat Bags:
We are NOT having a Valentine’s Day Party at Amelia, however students are allowed to bring in 24 Valentine’s Day cards to pass out to friends. We are working on writing our first and last names correctly, so we are asking parents to have their child write their first and last name on every card in the “from” section. They will leave the “to” section blank. Also, we will be sending home treat bags.

Snack Reminder:
Each day I have about 12 children who do not have snacks. If at all possible, please send a snack with your child every day. If you would like to donate snacks for the class, the following would be great choices: Goldfish, pretzels, dry cereal (Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks). Thank you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


DIBELS will be assessed on Thursday. Please practice the two assessments tomorrow and Wednesday. Your child will need to say the letters and sounds as quickly as they can. If your child does not know the letter/sound have them skip it and move on to the next letter/sound. Happy practicing!

Letter Goal- 50+ letters in 1 minute

Sound Goal- 17+ sounds in 1 minute

Classroom News

This week in Reading Street we are working on the story called, “George Washington’s Visits”. We have two new sight words, “look,” and “see”. Please continue to work with your child on the following sight words: “she”, “with”, “me”. he”, “for”, “we, my, like”, “have”, “is” ,”to”, “a”, “the”, “little”, “I”, and “am”.

HOMEWORK Packets were sent home on Friday, January 4th, for Group B, and Monday, January 7th, for Group A. They will be due on Wednesday, January 30th for Group A (Monday/Wednesday) children, and Thursday, January 31st for Group B (Tuesday/Thursday) children. Please check your child’s backpack for the January packets. Doing homework on days the children are not at school, is a great way to help reinforce the skills we are working on in class. Thanks for your support!

Amelia Tigers are going to walk the Cincinnati Flying Pig again on Saturday, May 4th! This week we are sending home “Hog Logs” to help journal how many minutes your child is being active. Registration forms will be sent home with the “Hog Logs” . If you have any questions please contact Beth Burcham at bethandmike2004@yahoo.com.

Marco’s Pizza Night! If you like Marco’s pizza, the Amelia PTA is hosting a Marco’s Pizza School Challenge on Thursday, January 10th.

PTA Meeting will be Monday, January 14th at 3:45 at Amelia Elementary. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Save the Date: Amelia Elementary Skating Party on January 24th at the Beechmont Rollarena starting at 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Classroom News

Happy New Year!! I wanted to give each of you a special thank you for your kind gifts, cards, etc… Also, I would like to say a very special thank you to the room parents who organized our great holiday parties.

This week in Reading Street we are finishing the story, “Little Quack”. We are reviewing the sight words, “she”, “with”, “me”. Please continue to work with your child on the following sight words: “he”, “for”, “we, my, like”, “have”, “is”,”to”, “a”, “the”, “little”, “I”, and “am”.

2nd Quarter Report Card Testing: 2nd quarter report card testing has begun. Please continue to work with your child on 2nd quarter skills. They must know all 26 letters, sounds of the alphabet, writing the letter correctly, counting to 100 by 1’s, and counting up to 20 objects (toys, etc...).
HOMEWORK packets are due Wednesday, January 2nd, and Thursday, January 3rd. New Homework packets will be send home on Monday, January 7th, and Tuesday, January 8th.

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