Monday, October 29, 2012

Thank You Reading Buddies! (AE)

On Friday, our Reading Buddies surprised us with a new classroom book. 
Thank you so much Reading Buddies...

Our Wonderful Reading Buddies

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Conference Days

Conference Times

November 15th (Amelia)
4:20- Darrel
4:30- Isabella
4:40- Ariayha
4:50- Maggie
5:00- Peyton
5:20-Ava K.
6:00-Katie M.
6:10- Noelle
6:40- Brady
6:50- Joshua
7:00- Courtney
7:10-Ava V.
7:20- Carolyn
7:40-Katie W.
7:50- Allie

November 28th (Holly Hill)
4:30- Malachi

4:40- Jorjia
4:50- Devon
5:00- Kendra
5:10- Sawyer
5:20- Julia
5:30- Dillon
5:40- Cade
5:50- Jayden
6:00- Sierra
6:10- Keith
6:20- James
6:30- Barbie
6:40- Abby-Lynn
6:50- Aiden
7:00- Kaitlyn
7:30- Kaleigh
8:10- Chloe

A Little Fun and Dancing During Snack Time

Take out these great dance moves by the Friendly Frogs!

Work with the Number 9

Look at all of the ways we made 9 today! :)

The video below is a great resource for number writing.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Harvest Party Reminder


Harvest Party this Wednesday from 1:45-2:45! 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thank You Sam's Club (HH)

On Friday, Sam's Club and Walmart had a "teacher" assembly.  Sam's Club presented the Holly Hill teaching staff with gift cards and flowers to thank us for our work in the classroom. Thanks Sam's Club for making us feel special! :)


Numbers 1-10

On Friday, we explored numbers 1-10 in our Math centers. 

Halloween Numbers: Reading, Counting, and
Modeling Numbers

10 Frame: Counting, Reading, and Modeling Numbers

Number Creation

Number Creation

Student of the Week

Student of the Week
Holly Hill


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Student of the Week (AE)

Student of the Week!! :)

Message To A Friendly Frog

Dear Braxton,
We will miss you at school this week. 
Your Friends at Amelia

My Spider Crawled To A....

Amelia's Spider Writing


There will be NO school tomorrow.

(AE NEWS...ONLY) Book Fair is next week. This week you will receive a book fair order form. If you send in money, PLEASE, put it in a sealed envelope with your child’s first/last name on it along with Mrs. Trent's Kindergarten Class.

We will visit the book fair on October 18th 10:50 to 11:25.

Recess alert: It is getting cold outside. We have outside recess every day possible, unless it is raining, or the temperature is below freezing. PLEASE make sure your child is wearing a coat to school.  It would be a good idea to make sure your child’s first/last name is inside their jacket/coat.

Lunch Money: Please do not send lose change or dollar bills for your child's lunch money. If you are going to send in money please put it in a Ziploc bag or a sealed envelope with your child’s first and last name on it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Spider Writing

Today we worked on hearing the beginning sound in words.  Your child wrote where their spider would crawl to.  
Top Spider: I crawled to a b. (boy)
Bottom Spider: I crawled to a hs. (house)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Skills Group Teachers (HH)

Next week, your child will meet their Skills Group teacher.  Below is a picture of Mrs. Peach, Mrs. Armstrong, and Mrs. Hauck who will be helping me with skills groups.

Your child will be placed in a group based on their DIBELS score and moved throughout the year based on weekly assessments.

Name Practice

Please continue to have your child practice their name.  You can make it fun by writing the letters on pieces of paper then have your child glue them together or on blocks that link together.
Happy name writing!!

My video stopped but this Busy Bee was able to correct the letters in her name so that it was J-u-l-i-a.

Student Of The Week

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

NEEDED...Room Parent....PLEASE HELP (HH)

Holly Hill Parents,
  I'm in great need of a volunteer to help with parties and special events this year. If you can help out in any way, please return this form on Friday. Thank you so much.

Mrs. VE- Guest Reader

Today your child had a very special guest reader...Mrs. VE!!!

If you would like to be a guest reader in your child's classroom, please leave a comment on this post or email me at

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